Convert Cups to Grams
If you don’t want to convert every recipe from cups to grams, you can also buy a set of cups and spoons. I have made this purchase, but don’t use it. Converting cups to grams is easy and after all I weigh everything. Below is a conversion overview for dry and wet ingredients. From cups to grams and from spoons to millilitres.
Important note: a cup with flower has not the same grams as a cup with brown sugar.
Do you miss an important ingredient? Let me know.
Cups to Grams for Dry Ingredients
Ingredients | 1 cup | 3/4 cup | 2/3 cup | 1/2 cup | 1/3 cup | 1/4 cup |
Flour | 120g | 90g | 80g | 60g | 40g | 30g |
Sugar | 200g | 150g | 133g | 100g | 67g | 50g |
Brown Sugar | 180g | 135g | 120g | 90g | 60g | 45g |
Powdered Sugar | 100g | 75g | 70g | 50g | 35g | 25g |
Butter | 240g | 180g | 160g | 120g | 80g | 60g |
Oats | 90g | 68g | 60g | 45g | 30g | 23g |
Nuts Chopped | 150g | 113g | 100g | 75g | 50g | 38g |
Cornstarch | 120g | 90g | 80g | 60g | 40g | 30g |
Rice | 190g | 140g | 125g | 95g | 65g | 48g |
Pasta | 140g | 100g | 90g | 70g | 45g | 35g |
Cacao | 110g | 82g | 73g | 55g | 37g | 27g |
Chocolate Chips | 170g | 127g | 113g | 85g | 57g | 42g |
Honey | 340g | 255g | 227g | 170g | 113g | 85g |
Shredded Parmesan | 90g | 65g | 60g | 45g | 30g | 22g |
Cups to Grams for Liquid Ingredients
Cup or Spoon | ML | Tablespoon |
1/2 teaspoon | 2.5 ml | |
1 teaspoon | 5 ml | |
1 tablespoon | 15 ml | 1 tbsp |
1/8 cup | 30 ml | 2 tbsp |
1/4 cup | 60 ml | 4 tbsp |
1/3 cup | 80 ml | |
1/2 cup | 120 ml | 8 tbsp |
1 cup | 240 ml | 16 tbsp |
1,5 cup | 350 ml | |
2 cups | 475 ml | |
3 cups | 700 ml | |
4 cups | 950 ml | |
5 cups | 1200 ml | 80 tbsp |
6 cups | 1440 ml | 96 tbsp |
8 cups | 1920 ml | 128 tbsp |
10 cups | 2400 ml | 160 tbsp |
FAQ Convert Cups to Grams
Below you can find the most frequently asked questions:
What is a Cup?
A cup is used to measure the amount of ingredients that is needed for a recipe. This method mainly is used in USA, United Kingdom and Australia.
Which method is easier Cups or Grams?
It really depends on your own baking style. I’m always using a digital food scale to measure the ingredients. If you have a set of cups that can also be easy.
What is the difference between a Cup of Dry Ingredients and Liquid Ingredients?
It really depends on the ingredients. A cup of liquid is 240 ml. A cup of Butter (Dry ingredient) is also 240 grams, but a cup with rice is 190 grams.